Thursday, October 25, 2007

it's about themes.

everything has one. that's what i believe in this life.
it guides the way to dress, the way to move in a space, the way to write, the way to live. it is possible to choose what your theme is and even to change it willy nilly, at the drop of a hat. or upon discovery of said hat... perhaps best attempted with a deep breath.
sometimes your theme chooses you. i find that often with clothing. the incredible french made vintage button down that i found at a street sale up on 104th st for $5; that shirt demanded an edith piaf theme. all the way down to the over consumption of wine and appropriate life struggles. another day, t
he beat poet in transition, created itself less obviously. a bit of hodgepodge choosing and some stereotypical elements- but it felt right. it was the perfect theme. and i am in transition, constantly. someone asked me what the transition would be into next, and i was at a loss. that's not how it works - i don't really know what the transition will be or if it will even be pertinent to today's theme. "beat poet in transition" is kind of like the title to a work of abstract art. the themes somehow congeal upon awakening in a new day and are mostly stand alone concepts...i am particularly fond of adding years to them as well: junior editor, seventeen magazine, 1982 ; wellesley professor 1973; new yorker magazine fashion columnist 1971....and then of course the odd ball one like champagne taster, it just was nothing else.
how do other people get dressed? quite the mystery.